There’s a Reason We’ve Crossed Paths
I’m An Artist + Intuitive Guide
Maybe you honor your creative flow and you’re intuitive as well (hey co-creator).
Navigating the terrain can get a little tricky at times, but I’m here to encourage you to keep exploring + creating. There’s no exact formula for navigating your unique path, but your intuition is a brilliant guide. We’re similar in the sense that we are always creating and we let our internal guidance system lead the way.
I’m A Writer + Content Creator
Maybe you too, weave words into medicine + nourishment for the soul.
There is nothing like the nuggets of wisdom that enter your life at the right time. You know what aligning with warmth + the truth (when needed) feels like. We’re similar in the sense that we want to leave our honey (nectar from our creative joy) & natural oil (fuel from the lessons learned) all around. Sharing our experiences and lessons through writing + creating is the way that we connect with the world around us.
Your Intuition Led You Here
You are here for a reason.
There is something here that resonates. There’s a guide, a post, an offering, some words - spoken in the right way, that want to reach you. It’ll take some time to explore all the content, but you’re welcomed here. Make this one of your e-homes. May you find exactly what you need - when you need it.
where to next?
📍Get Cozy & Read (Articles + Guides)
📍Journaling Course (Warm The Room)
📍Choose Your (Daily Mantra)
📍Inward Magazine (Free - Vol. 1,2,3)
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