Ray The Spirit Guides - Who We Are + Why We’re Here


Ray The Spirit Guides - Who We Are + Why We’re Here

We are reflections of the peace, stability, and clarity that is within you. We flow into your experience because you are ready to tune into your well-being - in this way.
— {Core Being Quote}

📍Their Message For You

We are most appreciative of the opportunity to speak with you at this time.

As we move through your experience, we can sense the calling for greater understanding of what spirit guides are and why we are here. At our core, we are energy beings that are harmonious with your core being.

Think of your most vibrant, clear, and receptive state. Think of when the noise is settled, the air’s cleared, and you can actually hear the answers + solutions that are being offered to you.

We are a collective consciousness who reside in that frequency. To take the mystery out of it, we’d like to say that we adjust our presence to accommodate what’s being asked for (at the time).

We Selectively Sift + Sort To Find What’s Harmonious

We know how to move the pieces around, how to sort through the archives quickly, and how to flow love (where it’s needed most). Think of us as the right lighting in the room; where you can view yourself (and your life), in the most harmonious state.

We reflect back to you, your core knowing and core state of being.

The Messages We Offer

Our messages are clear and will resonate most with those who align with our perspective.

As you soften your senses to receive us here, it is similar to you allowing your own natural spirit to flood your sphere of awareness. We too, are a part of your bank of well-being. Think of you and our friend Renee here as co-creative partners in allowing.

She is open and receptive to our perspective - having worked with us and tuned into our frequency for many years. She too is asking and then allowing herself to be in the receptive mode. You being here now, tuning into this channel, is you being in the receptive mode to this information.

And so - you match. First in the asking, and then - in your clear intention to receive this feedback.

A Continuous Stream

We are a stream of energy for you to connect to (when needed).

  • Consider us - flowing water for the journey.

  • Consider us - presence waiting to unfold in your experience.

  • Consider us - fuel for the fire and warmth for the spirit.

Feel your way through our vibration here.

We will never impose; we only flow where we are wanted most. We will never demand; we are here to share our intention with you. We will never force; we are here to offer you our perspective. By you feeling and sensing who we are, what’s ready to unfold - will naturally unfold. You are here and we are grateful.

Blessings To You - Dear One


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P.S. The Core Being Blog is a co-creative project. This space on Spirit & Muse is created to accommodate the messages coming directly from my spiritual guides - Ray. Our blended work is offered to help inspire + uplift as you move along your creative & spiritual path.