Self-Discovery Journaling Day 15: Time To Vent


Welcome To 21 Days Of Self-Discovery Journaling

These self-discovery journaling sessions are an invitation for you to get to know yourself better, for you to tune into what your heart, body, & mind have to say, and for you to connect with your soul. Here are a few guidelines for you to follow as you commit to each session. 

  • Try not to judge what you receive

  • Write freely & set your inhibitions aside

  • Be honest with yourself

  • Listen to your inner world and honor what it has to say

  • Have fun with these journaling sessions

  • Try the alchemy practice at the end of each session (it will help you realign your energy & direct your focus)

For Day 15, You're Encouraged To Tune Into Your Frustrations ~ It's Time To Vent.

What You'll Need

  • A Journal or Notebook

  • A Pen 

  • 25 to 30 Minutes Of Free Time

  • A Quiet Place To Journal

Journaling Steps

  1. For this journaling prompt you get to write down all of the things that are frustrating you in your life. 

  2. Choose the most dominant issues that you can't seem to find a solution to. What you'll do is tune into your heart, say what's really bothering you, and why. 

  3. For this exercise, say what is frustrating you and how it makes you feel. There may be just one issue that you want to write about and that's fine. There may be several issues that you want to write about, and that's fine too.

  4. Start on your first sheet of paper (with whatever issue wants to be brought to the surface first) and just write. Don't filter. Don't judge yourself. Just really speak from the heart on the matter. It's time to get all of this stuff out so that you can release the tension, be honest with yourself, and move through it. There's new in store for you, but you have to find a way to bury the old and reach a fresh new perspective. This exercise will help you do that.

  5. Once you're done releasing all of that, try the alchemy practice below.  

Take Your Journaling A Step Further

  • If you want to add a different dimension to this journaling session, draw a picture of yourself in the center of a sheet of paper and then write down the thoughts that stem from each of your frustrating situations (around that picture). 

  • When you're done, take a look at the negativity that surrounds you and the energy it produces when you go through those trains of thought. It's not helpful and it's best that we work to move through those thoughts and to seek relief for the situations. 

  • See the alchemy practice below for help with moving through the situation/emotions. 


Okay, now that you have it all out. I want you to give yourself a little pat on the back. It's not always easy to express how you feel or why you feel that way. It's not always easy to admit that you had plans that didn't work out well and you're disappointed or that you feel like you gave your all to a situation and feel under-appreciated. It's okay to express yourself (in healthy ways - like journaling).

Now it's time to put these issues to rest once and for all (on your end anyway). Don't worry if other people involved don't change who they are. You are doing this for yourself. You're releasing this for yourself. Let others choose to be who they want to be and act how they want to act ~ while you do your best to align with your best self. 

I invite you to write down what you would like to see happen for each of these situations. Again, don't judge yourself. What do you really want to happen? What would bring you the most peace? As you're writing this down, I want you to know that Life wants for you, what you want for yourself. 

All you're really looking for is a peaceful resolution. So write down what you think would be a peaceful resolution to the problem, and then let Life assist you with healing this issue. 

Just you taking the time to write it down and focus on the solution is enough. You should feel lighter after the process. You'll know that you have given this situation over to a higher power and trust that it will be resolved sooner than you may have believed. 

Well There You Have It ~ Day 15 Of Self-Discovery Journaling

If you need help releasing blocks, embracing your path, or clearing space to allow the new, a Soul Session may be right for you.

You'll get to work directly with me and my spirit guides to move through your blocks, embrace your path, and align with your core vibration.

You'll get in-depth feedback from my spirit guides, key steps to help you move forward on your journey, and a bonus “Daily Alignment” meditation. If that sounds like something you're interested in follow me to view the Soul Session details.

Live Well & Keep Creating!


P.S. I would love to hear from you. If you received any "aha" moments or revelations during your journaling session feel free to email me and tell me all about it. I love when people tune in and discover more than they expected. 

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