Creative Fear & 3 Tips To Help You Work Around It

colorful abstract art painting 3 tips for creative fear

Fear is a part of the creative process.

The fear shows up because we are moving into the unknown and because we are bringing something new to life. You know how overprotective we can be over our creative projects. The thing is though...

Fear is always going to be there, in one form or another.

It's the thing that we have that helps keep us alive. It's our senses heightened, it's us looking out for danger, and it's the sense that helps us preserve life. When fear shows up, it's not there to hurt you. It's actually trying to help you.

When it comes to creativity however, fear is a hindrance if it gets too out of control.
— Spirit and muse Quote

Your creative core is the very thing that helps you feel the flow of life.

There’s no reason for you to dim your creative (life-giving) spirit. Even if it’s taking you into the unknown. Even if it’s asking you to get out of your comfort zone. Creativity is your birthright.

So let’s explore some tips to help you move through the fear. Fear is an inevitable part of creativity, but it doesn’t have to stop your flow.

Here are 3 tips to help you work around your creative fear.

1. Give Yourself Permission

Sometimes fear shows up because we think we are doing something wrong by going our own way and doing our own thing. Before you start your next creative project, give yourself permission to dive into it fully.

That will calm down the "who gave you permission" feeling.

Right away, you have established that you - yourself, has granted you the authority to create. If your fear further questions your authority asking, "why little ole you thinks you have the authority"? Tell your fear that your higher-self gave you permission. The higher-self does not back down from fear because it knows what fear truly is, and your fear cannot go up against your higher-self and win.

2. Remind Yourself That You Are Worthy

Fear also shows up when we think we are inadequate in some way.

The truth is however, we have the right to express ourselves and we don't need any credentials to do it. You've lived enough life to determine what you would like to direct your energies towards. Sometimes however, we don't feel prepared enough or that we are talented enough to share our work with the world. That's BS.

You must consider that the creative force is speaking to you because you are the person that it would like to work through. Remind yourself of that if you ever feel you’re not worthy. Why would the idea even come to you, if it didn’t want to come through you?

As you open to your creative expression, you will evolve, and you’ll get what you need along the way to help you create freely.

3. Your Art Is Not A Competition

Lastly, please remember this...

Art is how you express yourself. It's not a competition. (Tweet This)

Sometimes when we feel "up against" others, fear shows up. You may immediately start to assess your performance. You may also start to question how you’re measuring up against others. In reality, creativity is just you expressing yourself. It is your lens, your filter, your qualities and your experiences that are shaping your creativity. There is no one else like you on the planet.

Trust me when I say - you are the only you. 

You have to trust that your true spirit will show through your work. No one can compete with that, because no one has the same combinations of talents, gifts, and qualities that you do.

So there you have it - 3 tips to help you work around your creative fear.

I know what it feels like to be held back by fear. I also know how good it feels to remind myself of the qualities I have, and to then, create anyway.

Sometimes I feel the same way. I feel like ~ who am I to do this work? But I've learned so much along the way, and I’d be dishonoring myself not to acknowledge my creative core. You never know who you’ll encourage by sharing your gifts with the world.

Live Well & Keep Creating!


(Intuitive Guide)

Work With Me 1:1

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