How To Coach Yourself Through Anything
“This one’s for the one who needs a gentle nudge in the right direction. For the one who knows you have what it takes, but needs to be reminded that ~ you’ve got this! Get comfy, stay for a little while, and read on.”
So what magical carpet ride is life taking you on (nowadays)?
I know that time, activities, and experiences seem to be speeding up. With that, comes new challenges and hiccups that you’ll have to find a way to navigate.
Everyone is going through something,
And help may not be as readily available as you need it to be (from outside sources).
That does pose a challenge, but I’m here to remind you of your ability to coach yourself through anything.
You may not have someone to reach out to at 2am when worry is settling in.
You may not be able to decompress at your job, because you’re told to leave your personal life at the door.
You may not be able to speak to your loved ones, about the issues that are bothering you (right away). I totally understand.
That doesn’t mean that what you're going through is not important.
Even if you can’t reach out to someone right away, you still have access to a well of well-being. That well is always there ~ even if you are still figuring out how to tap into it or use it fully. This is a guide to help you tap into your inner resources, until you can get to outside help/resources that you may need.
Your inner pulse is always there for you. And if you can steady yourself a little (in the midst of the storm), you can move towards what is best for you.
For those going through extreme conditions or debilitating experiences…
I am not insensitive to what you’re going through - (tap here) for a short message specifically for you. I see you and I’m here for you in that way. For those of you who just need a gentle reminder of how capable you are, keep reading.
Here’s How To Coach Yourself Through Anything
Download The 5-Tip Visual Guide Here
1.Remember The Vision
(You know what the solution, answer, or help feels like.)
Nestle into that feeling, and keep the desired end-result in mind - as you move through the experience. In order to get there, you have to have a picture of exactly where you would like to be.
2. Get More Information
(You may not be living the answer right now but…)
You can get more information before you solidify a decision. If it’s important to you, seek to find out more about it - and then move forward.
3. Tap Into Your Inner Resources
(You have a wealth of information already stored within.)
Do not discount your inner experience. You have an internal guide that has kept a record of everything you’ve experienced. Use what you have. Tap into your curiosity, your imagination, your creativity, and your inner wisdom.
4. Slow Down
(Besides a life threatening situation, or something that needs a quick response, you can slow down.)
Pause, breathe, and take some time to figure this one out. Jot down some ideas, visualize different solutions, and then take one small step in the direction that feels best for you.
5. Trust Your Decisions
(At the end of the day, you will be making the final decision.)
It’s important that you tune into what’s best for you. Tend to your truest intentions + into the path that feels right for you. You know what to do. You just have to trust that inner knowing.
Well There You Have It ~ How To Coach Yourself Through Anything
The message here is clear.
I’m encouraging you to trust your ability to align with the solutions that you seek. You have ideas, inklings, and impulses for what will help (and what to do). Remind yourself that you have a culmination of knowledge and know-how ~ that you’ve picked up along life’s trail.
It is there as a memory, a back story, an impulse, an idea, an impression, an imprint, or a feeling. Use what you have and build onto that knowledge if needed.
Follow me to the “Writer’s Nook - Writing To Heal” article to explore tapping into your inner well (through writing). Writing/journaling is an excellent way excavate your inner wisdom.
The truth is, you know what to do (based on the well of experiences that you've amassed).
Lay down the doubt (and fear) some, and move that know-how & reassurance to the front. You’ve got it, and if all else fails watch this video by Doctor India Logan to laugh some. Or turn on that song that makes you feel larger than life, embody that energy, and choose a direction.
Remember, you do not have to get it 100% perfect.
Whatever energy you are putting towards making your life better ~ is enough.
Live Well & Keep Creating!
P.S. Is this article right on time? If so, tap the heart below + go ahead and leave a message in the comments section below. I would love to hear from you! Also, if you know another heart-centered creator who could benefit from this message, feel free to share it. Don’t be shy ~ it may be the gentle reassurance they need at this time. So share, share, and share again + thanks in advance.