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7 Tips To Help You Move Through Your Fear & Align With Your Dreams
Fear is a part of the creation process. Anytime you get ready to step outside of your comfort zone, fear is going to show up. It's when it stops you from moving forward however, that it can become a huge problem. It's time to acknowledge those fearful thoughts, soothe them, and start moving back in the direction of your dreams. Here are 7 tips to help you move through your fear & align with your dreams.
50+ Things To Remember While Following Your Dreams
That dream of yours is possible to reach. It's going to take belief, vision, alignment, and a little magic, but you'll get there. You are capable of aligning with your vision. Here's a list of 50+ things to remember while following your dreams. It's what I've learned along the way, and I hope it offers you some inspiration as you move towards your dreams. Come check out the list.
Walk As If It's Already Done
Some people think that it's crazy to pretend or to walk as if it's already done. I don't. Everything that was ever created first existed as a thought, that thought evolved into a vision, and so on. For this dose of Monday inspiration, I want to encourage you to walk as if it's already done and then watch what shows up for you.
Start Where You Are - Use What You've Got
We're always waiting for the perfect moment to go after our dreams, to create, or to try something new. The truth is... there is no "perfect moment" per se. You've got to start where you are & use what you've got. I know, I know... that's easier said than done, but you can begin to take small steps in the direction of your dreams. I'm here doing what I love because I started where I was, and I used what I had, and I didn't give up. You can do it too!
Does The Universe Care About What You Desire?
Does the universe care about what you desire? That's a good question. Sometimes it seems like we're so small compared to the grand scheme of things. I had an experience however, that proved to me that there was something larger looking out for me. It's something small, but it meant everything to me at the time. If you don't believe that the Universe (The All, The Infinite, The God Energy) cares about you, come check out this short story. It may just change your mind.
Your Dreams Need Your Help
Your dreams, desires, and preferences matter. That's why they are so important to you. From time to time, the Universe sends us messages through other people. Consider this a message from the Universe. All that you desire, can and will manifest, but your dreams need a little help. If you've been waiting for something to manifest, and it seems like it just isn't happening - this message is for you!