What's In Gestation? - 3 Things Every Creation Needs



This one’s for the one who has those budding dreams swirling around waiting for a nurturing space to grow. Will you welcome what’s in gestation or will you resist it? Here are 3 things that every creation needs.
— Renee B. (Intuitive Guide)

What’s In Gestation For You?

There's some idea, process, product, or project that's forming within your thoughts. It's in the very beginning stages, and its desire is to be carried out - by you.

In order for any idea to be brought to life, it needs 3 things.

  1. Space To Breathe

  2. A Willing Participant

  3. A Container

Creation is a beautiful dance between the thoughts/ideas swirling around and your process for bringing them to life. If you think back to anything that you've created, those three components were present.

  • You gave it space.

  • You were a willing participant.

  • You found (or created) a container for it.

Doubt + fear aren’t really necessary. Something wanted to come to life (the idea, concept, or product), and you were invited to be the one to help make it manifest. That’s the beauty of it. Creation always sends you the invitation. So I invite you now, to think about what’s in gestation for you. Are you inviting it or are you resisting it?

Let’s dive a little bit deeper into the components.

here are 3 things every creation needs

1.Space To Breathe

(Writing It Down, Trusting The Idea, Making It Important)

The space for your creation to breathe starts with you nurturing the idea. That means you write it down, you learn about it, and you tend to whatever intuitive hunches you get (in regards to the idea). This is the time for you to allow your thoughts to flow about it - without resistance. The idea at the beginning of gestation is just looking for the chance to present itself and to feel out the space, before you start an action plan.

2. A Willing Participant

(Someone Who’s Willing To See The Idea Through To Completion)

Since the idea came to you, that means that it wants to be brought to life through you. You have the skills, imagination, and enthusiasm needed to bring the creation to life. Like I mentioned before, the creation will always send you the invitation, but you have to be a willing participant. Being willing just means that you decide the idea is important enough to dedicate your creative flow to it.

3. A Container

(This Is Finding or Creating An Avenue For This Idea To Become A Physical Manifestation)

This is where you find (or create) the space for the creation to become a physical manifestation. If you have some words that you believe will be helpful, you choose to write a book or submit a piece to a magazine column. If you have some healing techniques, you may decide to create a helpful video as the container or you decide to create a course to teach what you know. A container is what you use to translate the idea. The dancer, puts on a show. The singer, writes the song. The poet, writes the poem. The poem contains (or is the container for) the inspired thoughts.

Well, There You Have It ~ 3 things Every Creation Needs

Those 3 components is how everything you see, is brought to life.

You'll be surprised how much information the "idea itself" carries with it. As you open up to it, it reveals ways that you may not have even considered. Nurture your inspired ideas and give them a positive space to grow.

Creation wants to flow through you smoothly, and the more you welcome (and trust) the ideas (without resistance), the healthier your gestation/creation process will be. Whenever something is in gestation for you, I invite you to remember the beautiful part that you play in the process of creation.

You’re always being invited to create. The question is… will you resist it or embrace it? As always, I'm rooting for you (and for all those beautiful things gestating, to bloom fully).

Live Well & Keep Creating!


P.S. Share Your Insight: Let Me Know In The Comments Below: What’s That Dream Of Yours + Where Are You In The Process? Sharing your insight could help spark a creative idea in someone - so let us know. You never know who you’ll inspire.


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Renee B. (Intuitive Guide)

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