Writer's Nook - Where To Start: Creating An Opening
“If you want to get to the truth that lies within (to what’s real + raw), you have to create a safe space for that truth to come forward. How you address what’s real + raw, matters.”
Imagine you've been in An Emotional Storm All Day - so much so, that you don't even know where to start to unravel the mess.
Even though you don't know where to start, you know you have to move the needle on your emotions. At least, it's what your heart desires to do.
A kind, wise woman knocks on the door and walks in (with your welcome).
She immediately goes to open the shades. The darkness is getting to the place, and you don't even have to explain what heaviness it's causing; she knows. That argument, that fight, that upset that you've buried in your chest (and that has no way to escape other than through your tear ducts), she knows what that's like. She knows what it causes inside of you, and so - she showed up for you.
She walks over to a candle, lights it, pulls the warm blanket from the dryer, and wraps it around you.
She fluffs the pillows even - for you to get comfortable with what is and with opening up about it. She walks off, and then after a little while - comes back.
The tea, that you so desperately need - because there's something stuck in your throat (that you've been meaning to say) - the wise woman, is already on it. The water's already boiling and ready for her to pour.
She gets your tea, a box of tissues, sits down, grabs your face and says (with compassion), "I see you and I'm here for you. What's going on love?
The truth, greeted with that kind of love and compassion, has no choice but to come spilling out.
And so, that’s where to start; that’s how you create an opening.
That's how I encourage you to greet your pain, your story, your wishes - each time.
That warmth, that wise woman with the heart that's felt the unimaginable; the one that's able to create that kind of opening - is YOU. That unconditional consideration, is something that is already within you. Nothing reveals itself (unabashedly), if the adversaries (judgment and criticism) are blocking the way.
“If you want the truth from within, you must create a safe opening + space to hear what really wants to be expressed.”
Greet yourself with such respect, each time.
Remember, you are a precious, vibrant thing. And you're still learning and growing. A lot of the time, beautiful souls (like yourself), may hesitate to dive in, because you don’t know where to start. I understand completely.
While posing any inner inquiry, there are some gentle ways to get started. Your feelings are the emotional experiences that are moving through you at the time, and it's okay to explore what you're feeling.
All of it is raw material for developing new ways of being.
Try starting with some of the phrases below.
Remember - how you greet yourself, is important! If you’re going to judge yourself or criticize what you’re feeling, you’re going to miss what’s trying to come to the surface. There’s so much more there to understand. There’s so much there, to turn into gold.
To Create A Safe Opening While Writing, start with these phrases:
What’s going on love?
What's here, what's true, what wants to be said?
Judgment aside, how am I really feeling about this?
If things could change, what would I like to see happen?
What does my wise, inner guide have to say about this experience? or dream?
Where are these feelings really coming from? And how can I go about making a positive change?
The phrases above will help you create the opening, and then all you have to do is put your ear down close to your heart, listen, and then write.
Well, There You Have It ~ Where to start: creating an opening
Listening to yourself is a deep, sacred practice.
Each day, you have a chance to allow more air into your lungs; to take peace with you; and to try again. Your nature is fluid.
You're so good at shining the light on those who need it.
You're so good at giving others the benefit of the the doubt. You're so good at forgiving those - who may not even have your best interest at heart. All I am saying is - remember you too.
Turn that light inward (often) - and unapologetically.
Live Well & Keep Creating!
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