Daily Check-In ~ 9 Questions To Ask Yourself Each Day
“This is for the one who likes to use journaling as a form of unwinding, decompressing, and journeying within ~ to see what’s there. Listening to yourself is a deep, sacred practice. Stay for a little while, flow with me, and then we’ll get right to the 9 daily check-in questions. ”
Can you believe that (each day), we forget to do one major thing…
We forget to take a few deep, conscious breaths.
The hustle and bustle of the day gets to us so much, that we forget to stop. to pause between tasks. to take a breather. It’s vital - right! And even though we know how important it is, how often do we still forget to do it?
How often do you need the reminder to just stop?
To inhale and exhale ~ consciously. deliberately. unapologetically?
A lot - right?
If you can skip that simple (yet vital) step to accessing your deep presence, then it’s also possible to forget to check-in with yourself each day.
Checking in helps you see ~ where you are in relation to where you would like to be.
Checking in helps you see ~ what needs to be moved (mentally + emotionally speaking).
Checking in helps you practice ~ listening to yourself and understanding what you need (to feel whole).
If you feel like the moments have been passing by (with you on autopilot), it’s time to check-in. It’s time to drop back into your body, open up your heart, and see what’s there. Here are 9 (gentle) daily check-in questions to help you tune back in.
Daily Check-In ~ 9 Questions To Ask Yourself Each Day
1.How Am I feeling?
(This is one of the most important questions.)
How you feel inside (emotionally, mentally, physically, & spiritually) is going to determine how you show up.
It’s important to be aware of how you’re feeling.
2. What’s Taking Up Space In My Mind?
(The thoughts that are active in your mind are taking up space.)
Is your mind focused where you would like it to be?
It’s important to see what’s been on your mind and if it’s really important enough to take up space there.
3. What Can I Change?
(Life comes with ups and downs. There are just some things we cannot change.)
But, there are also some things that we can change. You can’t always change how the world sees you or how someone else responds to you, but you can change how you respond.
Take a few moments to write down the things that you feel you can change.
4. What Will I Change?
(This is very different than the last question.)
The last question was… what can you change? It’s awesome to get an idea of what’s within you’re control to actually do something about. But “what will you change?” is a whole different ball game. You know your habits and what you’re willing to do.
Get a list of what you can change and then write down what you’re actually willing to change (in the near future).
5. Am I Balanced?
(Before you judge your emotions or experience, check-in to see if you’re balanced.)
Have you eaten? Have you received the proper rest? Are you hydrated? Is there something extremely impactful or traumatic going on in your experience?
Those are things that could be having a negative impact on your mood or experience. Before you judge yourself, make sure you’re fueled (hunger is a mood dampener), hydrated, and compassionate about the heavy stuff you may be dealing with.
6. Is There Anything I Need To Let Go Of?
(What’s taking up space, may also be blocking what’s next.)
Take inventory of what you’re holding onto (physically or mentally), that you may need to let go of.
Some examples are… mentally - worrying about what other people think or physically - a closet full of stuff that you’re never going to use again. Set it free.
One of the surest ways to block what’s next for you, is to hold onto something that doesn’t fit the new plan.
7. What’s My Next Right Step?
(You know who you are and you know what you need.)
There isn’t a dream in your mind (a goal, a vision, a yearning), that you don’t have some idea of how to move towards it.
Go where it feels lighter. Move where you feel more free. Go where the dots connect. Jot down all of the things that feel like your next right steps, and then get moving.
8. Is My Heart Okay?
(Are you okay?)
Say you’re hurt when you feel hurt. Say you’re sad when you’re sad. Say you’re excited when you feel excited. Your emotions are meant to be felt, expressed, and then moved through.
You don’t have to share those details with anyone else (unless it helps), but you can check-in with yourself to see what’s really going on in your heart.
9. Do I Have The Support I Need For This?
(It’s awesome to be a powerhouse.)
But you also have to be honest with yourself about your capacity and know-how.
It’s not sustainable to take on everything by yourself. I know you’ve got this, but there’s help around for a reason. Those dreams of yours are big; and so, it’s important that you have the support you need. Be honest with yourself + get the help/support that you need. There’s no shame. Those goals and dreams are going to require extra support. So take inventory of where you feel most supported and where you may need some help.
Well, There You Have It ~ 9 Check-In Questions To Ask Yourself Each Day
It’s extremely important to check-in with yourself.
If you’re constantly flowing on auto-pilot or you’re not checking in to see what you really need, it’s going to be difficult to move through some things. See where you are each day. Show up for yourself (in the best way that you know how). If the list of questions doesn’t resonate with you, create your own (deep + impactful) questions. You’re here to create!
There’s always an answers. There’s always a solution.
Tune in, and let your inner wisdom lead the way.
Live Well & Keep Creating!
P.S. Is this article right on time? If so, go ahead and leave a message in the comments below. I would love to hear from you. Also, if you know another soul writer who would love this article, feel free to share it. Don’t be shy ~ it may be the gentle reminder they need to slow down + tune in. So share, share, and share again + thanks in advance.