Grab A Cup Of Tea + Get Comfy + Feed Your Spirit
Nothing Ever Has To Be Difficult Again
Do you ever dread doing something? Do you wonder where that feeling of dread comes from? It comes from us running 1000 scenarios through our mind about that situation. Today, I'm going to give you a simple tip that will help you save alot of time & energy when deciding whether or not to do something.
The Bitch In My Head
She's always there - waiting for me to mess up, waiting for me to try something new, waiting for me to step off track, so that she can add her nasty opinion to my life. You're here reading this, so that means you have one too (a bitch in your head). Welcome sister - you're not alone. It's time to expose this B, and put her back in her place because she's been in the driver's seat way too long.
6 Ways To Silence Your Inner Critic
We've all got one. That annoying ass voice that tells us that we aren't good enough, haven't done enough, or that things are not going to work out right for us - if we try something new. That voice is the inner critic, and it rears its ugly head way too often. Here are 6 ways to help you silence that inner negative voice.