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6 Ways To Silence Your Inner Critic
We've all got one. That annoying ass voice that tells us that we aren't good enough, haven't done enough, or that things are not going to work out right for us - if we try something new. That voice is the inner critic, and it rears its ugly head way too often. Here are 6 ways to help you silence that inner negative voice.
The Missing Piece That May Soothe Your Perfectionism
Very seldom are our mistakes, hiccups, and detours off the traditional path, celebrated. As we go through life and experience the backlash of not getting it right, I think it does something to us. It has us believe that if we mess up, fall, or if we are not up to par, then we are unwanted, unloved, and unworthy. That belief, then has us get into a "perfectionist" mindset. Here's the piece that I believe may soothe that perfectionism.