You've Been Challenged All Year And Here's What I'd Like You To Know
What a year it’s been already. November’s half way done and you’ve probably had very little time to catch your breath. You’ve been challenged all year long ~ haven't you?
You’ve been asked to re-imagine everything, re-invent almost every aspect of your life, and rearrange things that seemed permanent. You’ve been asked to accept loss, grieve, live through pain and you’ve been asked to do it all with a positive attitude, a mask, and a smile. As if the whole world doesn’t seem like it’s living out a scene from the Twilight Zone.
It’s been a lot!
I know you’ve been challenged and I’m not here to tell you how strong you are or to pat you on the back for being resilient. I’m not here to tell you any of that.
You already know that you’re resilient. Life has thrown more things at you in these past couple of years than you’ve probably ever endured (all at one time), but you’re still here. You’re still learning and growing. Trying and doing. I see you, but I’d like to steer this letter away from that for a moment.
The reason I’d like this letter to reach you is because I’d like to invite you to...
Take a moment right now to just breathe.
Right now, I invite you to let go of every challenge you’ve been faced with, every failure, every misstep, every broken thing, every burden, every stress. If only even for a few minutes.
Let. It. Go.
You’re allowed that grace. You’re allowed that pause. If you’re able to visual, imagine yourself bursting open and water pouring from you like a waterfall on every exhale. Take a few moments to allow what is.
What a relief it is to know ~ there is still space for you to breathe. What a relief it is to know ~ during this time there’s still creativity and love brewing beneath the surface. There’s still new ideas and fresh starts. There’s still writing, and lighting candles, and prayer (if that’s what helps you anchor into this physical experience). All that you need to take a step forward ~ is all still here.
Even in the chaos. Even in the uncertainty. A simple breath at the right time, can help. It’s all right here.
This letter is a gentle reminder that you’re allowed to breathe. to pause. to reflect. to ask questions and reevaluate how things work in your world. You don’t have to take on everything. You’re allowed to bend. to rest. to delegate. and yes, to even ask for help if needed. You can’t do it all alone. You’re not meant to. I’m here to help in this way (if you’d like some gentle guidance).
Allow others to show up for you.
Allow grace to step in and take over some things.
Allow time for your heart to rest.
“If the pandemic and these past couple of years have taught us anything, it’s that we’re all vulnerable. We’re not machines ~ we’re human beings. We need balance, we need to be nurtured, cared for, and loved on.”
I invite you to feel your breath deeply, to wrap yourself in warmth, and to celebrate every. single. joyful moment from here on out. Stay present and allow the new ~ it’s on its way. From the bottom of my heart ~ I wish you ease, love, and more joy than you can imagine.
Live Well & Keep Creating!
Intuitive Guide
P.S. Is this message right on time? If so, go ahead and leave a message in the comments below. I would love to hear from you. Also, if you think someone else needs to hear this gentle reminder, be sure to share it via the social media links below + thanks for sharing!